
How much I love Callie

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You probably won’t understand my fourth poem of National Poetry Month, but I simply


I was trying to say that I really


Huh. Well,

maybe if I tell you that yesterday she texted me a photo of her English paper assignment and followed it with a row of exclamation points, you might begin to understand how much I


What?! Shall I try to tell you a different way?

She is versatile, able to move from artist to mathematician, from deep thinker to goofball.

We love to shop for her prom dresses together.

She doesn’t want to have kids but she loves to babysit.

She asks repeatedly if she is similar to me and doesn’t seem bothered when we both realize she is.

She has photos of friends and family all over her room.

She tells me stories of her days at school. She asks for my stories.

She loves music and watches terrible TV and reads nonfiction books about Russia.

Whenever we go to the mall, we make time for ice cream, or pretzels if it’s a lame mall without an ice cream shop.

She can write.

I’m feeling all Cordelia-like, except I’m actually trying to capture something and failing badly instead of saying “nothing”—what a stupid premise for tragedy, really! Use your words, Cordelia!

And I’ll use mine as I end this poem about how much I



poetry assignment